Vintage Tandy Radio Shack Retail Services Support Library – July 1994 (Digital Download)



This is really a cool piece of history! Back in the mid 90’s Tandy and Radio Shack started a FAX back system where store employees could call an automated system enter a Radio Shack catalog number and receive an exploded parts view of the item via FAX.

Eventually Radio Shack began sending each of their stores a copy of a CD-Rom that also contained the parts view to speed up the process.  I currently have of one of the CD-Roms from July of 94 and have zipped it up here as a digital download.

The disk contains 100’s of exploded parts views:

  • Like this RC Car – SAMPLE
  • Or this Tandy 1400HD Laptop – SAMPLE1SAMPLE2
  • Various images of  Tandy PC upgrade cards(BMP Format)
  • Documents, Descriptions & Instructions  of Various Products (TXT Format)
  • Drivers and other defunct exe files




This is a list of every file contained in the 7zip file that you will receive – FILE LIST

To the best of my knowledge the software contained in this download has been abandoned by its manufacture. The fee paid for this software goes directly to the cost of hosting and bandwidth to facilitate the download. If you are the copyright holder of this software and would like it removed from the abandonware collection please email